Volunteer with us

Join our virtual classrooms

To help bridge the learning loss our Students have suffered. 32,000 children along with Teach For India Staff and Fellows have been committed to solving educational inequity for the past decade. 1000’s of volunteers have helped fuel this work.

Be a Volunteer

Our Students have been out of school for close to two years now. The challenges they have faced are insurmountable and the loss of instructional hours has set them back years. This has been the result of,

Inequitable access to devices and internet

Low parental investment

Difficulty adapting to virtual school

The long-term effects of these challenges are severe. When combined - and if left unsolved - these can lead to

An irreversible decline in learning

A cumulative loss of 6% in future earnings

The highest set of dropouts India has seen in three decades

Here’s how you can support our movement

Come volunteer in a virtual Teach For India classroom to bridge the learning loss our Students have suffered.


Teach English or Mathematics

and take part in extracurricular activities with a group of Students


4 hours a week for 12 weeks

(3 months)


Support a movement

of like-minded, passionate leaders


Be recognized

and receive a certificate on completion

Applications close on July 15. Our first volunteer batch starts on July 19.