47 Fellows
1800 Students
180 Alumni
Things to know
Where do they teach?
We work across the country and our impact can be felt most strongly in the communities in which we work. Every city we work in has a unique story and offers a distinct opportunity for our Fellows, Alumni and Staff to work alongside local partners, connect with a community, and help children achieve to their fullest potential.
Year 2021
260 Fellows
8300 Students
952 Alumni
Year 2021
47 Fellows
1800 Students
180 Alumni
Year 2021
120 Fellows
3,000 Students
222 Alumni
Year 2021
110 Fellows
3300 Students
365 Alumni
Year 2021
87 Fellows
3600 Students
422 Alumni
Year 2022
Coming Soon!
Year 2021
144 Fellows
4000 Students
817 Alumni
Year 2021
145 Fellows
7500 Students
854 Alumni
The Journey
Students make it to Rome for the ICAN Conference
Two of our Students were invited to present their project at the International ICAN conference in Rome. Their project involves running community centers run by and for Students in the community.
20 schools, 80 Fellows, and 2000 Students on the path.
We saw our elementary Students outperform on every single metric when it came to the mastery of basic operations and reading. We were above the state and city averages for both.
Parent Engagement and Annual Days.
Fellows build partnerships with parents towards their child’s development. Project Parvarish started to build a safe learning environment at home. The majority of our schools had their first ever annual day celebration.
Ahmedabad’s first cohort
With 34 Fellows & 1100 Students
What Enabled Change
Relationships and Collaboration
The relationships that we have built with our Students, their parents, our school leaders, our community members, and between Fellows and staff of Teach For India have been instrumental in almost everything that we have achieved. Culture of collaboration is the bedrock of all the success we have achieved in the region.
Keeping children at the center
In every decision we take and every plan we make, we have kept our children at the center. It has been our north star in deciding strategy and priority. Building partnership with our Students to ensure that their voices are taken into consideration when decisions impacting them are taken.
Stories of Impact
Samait Shala
Samait Shala was started by Kushal Dattani who is a 2014 Ahmedabad Fellow. They work with teachers directly to ensure that all classrooms in all schools are inclusive of students who learn in different ways and at different paces and focuses on training teachers to use pedagogy which will help them ensure that no child in their classroom gets left behind.
Stories of Impact
Harnessing the power of technology
Irfan Lalani, our 2014 Alumnus realised while teaching his Grade 3 Students that the state prescribed Computer Science curriculum was below par. And so he took it upon himself to teach them what he thought they ought to learn. Code To Enhance Learning leverages coding as a tool to build critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and perseverance in children from grades 4-9. They have reached 2500+ children till now.
The Journey
120 Fellows
3,000 Students
222 Alumni
Alumni innovations mushroom
Alumni start 7 education enterprises, enter system roles like Assistant School Leaders, Cluster Transformation Leaders
Student revolutionaries create community solutions
Student projects move towards enrolling out-of-school children, solving community challenges.
Community centers emerge to solve contextual challenges
Fellows across the city set up community centers to facilitate additional learning time and student-run community interventions.
Bengaluru’s first cohort
With 57 Fellows & 2182 Students
The Fellowship begins
in Mumbai & Pune
What Enabled Change
A culture of innovation and collaboration
A culture of innovation sits at the heart of the progress we are seeing in Bengaluru. Alumni, Fellows, Staff and partners are leveraging the ripe ecosystem of entrepreneurship in the region to accelerate impact and solve contextual challenges. Teach For India Alumni now lead 7 education enterprises ranging from teacher training, career readiness, early childhood to ed-tech. Platforms like Karnataka Learning Partnership, EkStep and Shikshalokam are fueling collaboration across these various initiatives.
Proof points of strong Student outcomes
Our children are increasingly becoming the leaders we wish to see and are taking up projects that solve for contextual challenges. In the last 3 years, we have gone from 6 sustained Student projects to 23. 24 Student partners have worked with their teacher partners through the year to strengthen their classrooms. We have leveraged multiple partnerships for holistic learning for our children like Reap Benefit, InquiLab, Goldman Sachs MUN, Apple Tech Project.
An Alumni network growing in influence
Teach For India’s Alumni network has grown from 150 to 420 in the past 5 years. Our Alumni are now coming together to partner with government bodies, leading organizations ranging from early childhood and career, and to building capacity and teacher training as well as ed-tech platforms. We are now piloting a shared regional pilot with Alumni and other organisations to work towards a common goal in a focused geography.
Stories of Impact
Bhargavi, mobilizing change
In 2017, Bhargavi Somshekhar started a project to end gender discrimination in her classroom and community. Today, she is working to mobilize children from across Bengaluru to come together and talk about their experiences in the education system with the aim of mobilizing change through the power of their expression.
Stories of Impact
Teacher training with Firki
Teach For India has partnered with Mr Narayana Murthy and Government of Karnataka to support teacher training of all state Government teachers through Teach For India’s FIRKI teacher training platform.
The Journey
110 Fellows
3300 Students
365 Alumni
First Batch of Grade 10 Students graduate and the beginning of blended learning
• 40% of our Students graduate with first class and distinction.
• We see a complete shift in our classrooms as they move towards the online format.
Partnership with government of Tamil Nadu
Our Alumni work as consultants for the Tamil Nadu Education Department in developing the state Education Information Management System and Digital Content Platforms for all teachers and students in the state.
Focus on student leadership opportunities
Students visit NASA, participate in Young Entrepreneurs Academy and TEDx.
Alumni Entrepreneurs
We saw our Alumni venture into entrepreneurial journeys that diversified into geographies beyond Chennai.
Chennai’s first cohort
With 32 Fellows & 660 Students
The Fellowship begins
in Mumbai & Pune
What Enabled Change
The Chennai region today is 300 Alumni strong who have chosen diverse pathways post the Fellowship. Ranging from teachers to teacher trainers, curriculum developers to ed-tech entrepreneurs, NGO representatives to working in government, the diversity of our Alumni is immense. They work in rural, urban and tribal regions, spread across 13 districts in the state of Tamil Nadu and bring in perspectives, opinions and voices from many walks of life, enabling us to understand not just educational inequity, but inequity in all aspects of life.
Public-Private Partnerships
Tamil Nadu has always had a high number of NGOs but the scope of NGOs and government departments working together in a long-term partnership, in the education landscape, has been limited. The last 4-5 years has seen a shift with a significant number of opportunities for civil society to explore long-term partnerships. Today, we have NGOs, private companies, individuals, almost all of which have our Alumni leading change at scale. Public-private partnerships, though in the early stages, have enabled opportunities for our Alumni to explore impact at scale.
Social Entrepreneurship
In the past 4-5 years, we have seen 7 Alumni organisations take birth in the region. Chennai and Tamil Nadu have a vibrant and unique social entrepreneurship ecosystem that in recent years has grown leaps and bounds. The number of social enterprises in the region is increasing year-on-year, which enables us to take our impact beyond Chennai to other districts in Tamil Nadu and create more opportunities for our Alumni in education and beyond.
Stories of Impact
An act of service
Srini Swaminathan, a 2010 Alumnus and our former Chennai City Director couldn’t stay idle when migrant workers started going back to their hometowns on foot. He started distributing food packets and was able to serve 135,000 labourers. His efforts were recently recognised globally when the United Nations in India and NITI Aayog launched #BharatKeMahaveer, which celebrates Indians who have shown extraordinary kindness in the wake of COVID-19.
Stories of Impact
Madhi Foundation
Madhi Foundation was started in 2015, which works with 15 Corporation Schools in Chennai. Started by a Staff Alumna of Teach For India, Merlia Shaukath, today Madhi Foundation is one of the most prominent NGOs that is a trusted partner of the state government of Tamil Nadu, working towards improving Foundational Literacy and Numeracy. Today Madhi has 6 Teach For India Alumni in their core team.
Stories of Impact
Working with collectives
Shivaranjani Ramasubramaniyan, an Alumna from the 2016 cohort is passionate about working with women's collectives. She is currently working in rural Cuddalore at Kanavu - an organization she has Co-Founded with 3 other Teach For India Alumni.
The Journey
260 Fellows
8300 Students
952 Alumni
Teach For India Delhi Students outperform their peers, and their own odds
91% avg. pass% for Teach For India
(*59% passed with First Division, 20% with Distinction and 3.3% scored 90%+.)
78% avg. pass% for government school Students
83% avg. pass% for Delhi Students overall
1000+ Student leaders start driving change in the city
Jyoti started project Gurukul, inviting Students to conduct workshops in art & spoken word poetry for other Students, hoping to build respect for arts & artists in our communities.
30+ Delhi orgs founded by Teach For India Alumni
From early childhood education to parent empowerment, Delhi Alumni’s initiatives are starting to fill numerous gaps in the schooling system.
Community centres supplement student growth and innovation
Fellows across the city set up community centers to facilitate additional learning time and introduce projects and Student-run community interventions.
Delhi’s first cohort
With 65 Fellows & 2000 Students
The Fellowship begins
in Mumbai & Pune
What Enabled Change
A culture of ownership & collaboration
Teach For India Delhi staff and Alumni have operated with a lens of high ownership and deep collaboration. The results are evident not only in the number of BTCPs, Community centers, Staff, Fellow and Student-run initiatives in the Fellowship, but also in the number of Alumni entrepreneurial ventures, strategic partnerships and overall connectedness of the Teach For India community in Delhi.
An Alumni network growing in size & influence
700+ Delhi Alumni span a diverse set of puzzle pieces from teaching and teacher training in schools, community-level initiatives, policy, governance and state-level reforms to health, sanitation, nutrition and the private sector. Moreover, as more Alumni are starting to occupy positions of influence - as CEOs, Founders and heads of government bodies, they’re starting to impact 4.4 million Delhi children through various programs and initiatives.
Deepening partnership with the Government
The state government’s focus on spending 26% of its budget on education has been a huge opportunity for the region. The recent involvement of both Teach For India, as well as Teach For India Alumni in projects spanning the model school development, mentor teacher training, democracy curriculum, child protection and more is a proof point of how the Teach For India Delhi community is becoming a partner in changing the face of education in Delhi.
Stories of Impact
Alohomora’s partnership with Delhi Government
Alohomora, led by Teach For India Alumni, Divakar Sankhla and Parinita Jain, have partnered with the Delhi government to work on Entrepreneurship curriculum for 11th and 12th grade. Additionally, Alohomora and Teach For India have collaborated to get 2,000 kids college-ready.
Stories of Impact
Meraki's partnership with the Delhi government
Meraki, led by Teach For India Alumnus, Seemant Dadwal, has joined hands with the Delhi government to enable parental support for kids education during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Journey
87 Fellows
3600 Students
422 Alumni
Alumni led organisations and Alumni in positions
of influence with the government.
200+ Student Leaders
Hyderabad saw a diverse range of student led initiatives that fundamentally redefined our Alumni Learning belief of what is possible!
Alumni Learning -Community Prayas
A group of like-minded Alumni came together to conceptualise the first Alumni led learning community - Prayas, an attempt to create a collaborative problem-solving space to bring transformative change in schools.
Inception of Fellow Durbar
Fellow Durbar is an organic space for people to come together and share. Fellow Durbar is now an integral part of Teach For India’s ecosystem across 7 cities.
Hyderabad’s first cohort
With 46 Fellows & 1800 Students
The Fellowship begins
in Mumbai & Pune
What Enabled Change
Invested Government Institutions
The last few years have seen a significant shift in the way government institutions such as the SCERT, Samagra Siksha, Directorate of School Education, and the Telangana Social Welfare Institutions are steering change in the region. There has been an increased emphasis on improving learning outcomes and foundational literacy and numeracy in the region. Government institutions are open to exploring a range of public-private partnerships.
Alumni Collaboratives
We have witnessed multiple collaboratives come alive since the inception of Teach For India. Be it the diverse range of Institutions like Alokit, Catalyst and 321, started/led by Alumni entrepreneurs, or be it the diverse set of Alumni collaboratives such as Prayas, Bharat Dekho and others conceptualised to mobilise the Alumni collective, we have witnessed multiple initiatives that have led to a meaningful shift in the region.
Growth of service-based Educational Institutions
The last decade has also witnessed mass migration of Students from state-run government schools to low-income private schools. This led to a huge demand for affordable high quality teaching-learning resources, school leadership training, teacher training, among various other areas. The region has seen organisations like Learning Curve, LEAD, 321 Education, Godrej Foundation, among others, that are working directly with the BPS segment in steering key service delivery to these schools.
Stories of Impact
The Freedom Schools
TSWREIS, Inqui-Lab Foundation and Teach For India came together to conceptualize the Freedom schools, a chain of innovative democratic government schools set up by TSWREIS under the leadership of Dr. Praveen Kumar, IPS, one of Teach For India’s many regional champions.
Stories of Impact
Steering change in policy and governance
J-PAL, Haqdarshak and Indus Action have played a pivotal role in steering key changes in policy and governance in the state of Telangana. All three organisations have our Alumni serving in positions of influence.
The Journey
144 Fellows
4000 Students
817 Alumni
Teach For India Mumbai’s growing collaboration with MCGM
Teach For India's partnership with the government has evolved over the years from being mere service providers to them reaching out to us for advice and collaborating on projects like training MCGM staff, Student Advisory council, best practice sharing.
Bridging the reading gap
60% of our Grade 4 Students in Mumbai will bridge the reading gap to grade by the end of this academic year. According to the longitudinal study in partnership with Columbia University, classrooms in Mumbai with Teach For India intervention showed 3-4X growth as compared to non-Teach For India classrooms.
Teach For India Mumbai’s first batch of Students graduate from 10th Grade
Our Grade 10 SSC pass % was 93% in 2016-17, 94% in 2017-18 and 23% higher than the MCGM average in 2018-19 and 96% in 2019-20. Over the next four years, nearly 3000 Students will have graduated from Teach For India Mumbai and a significant percentage will be enrolled in colleges across the city and elsewhere.
Building Alumni Movement
The city has been steadily growing its Alumni network from 43 Alumni in 2011 to 280 in 2015. 321, Mumbai’s first Alumni led organization is already establishing its impact. For the first time, we have about 80 odd Alumni in one room talking about Teach For India’s phase 3.
Mumbai’s first cohort
With 46 Fellows & 1122 Students
The Fellowship begins
in Mumbai & Pune 87 Fellows
What Enabled Change
Alumni strengthening the school ecosystem
Students in Mumbai classrooms are growing in their values, exposure and awareness with the presence of Alumni-led opportunities like Right Pitch, Just For Kicks, Saturday Art Class, Claylabs, OnTrack, Udaan, Ummeed and others. Whether it’s extra-curricular activities, inclusive support, career guidance or value-based education, our Alumni are present in every level of the schooling system and are filling the academic and holistic growth gap.
Fellows rooted in the needs of children
Our Fellows know what it means to set their Students on a transformational and holistic life path and have been recognized by CENTA TPO for their outstanding contribution to their classrooms. Some choose to continue teaching for 2-4 years beyond their Fellowship. Our Fellows have expanded their impact beyond their classrooms towards transforming outcomes for their schools through projects, persisting through challenges and creating proof points of what is possible in our highest needs classrooms and communities.
A rich ecosystem of organizations
Mumbai has a great ecosystem of organizations operating in different parts of the education sector. Many Alumni have joined these organizations in various roles. For example, Aseema, Akanksha and Muktangan have created proof points of an excellent schooling system. Ummeed, Seeds of Awareness, Sols Arc and Jai Vakeel strive for inclusive and remedial education. Praja, Dasra, Project Mumbai and Haqdarshak are examples of organizations working as a bridge between government and citizens.
Stories of Impact
Transforming lives
Subhankar and his Student Arshad both had their lives transformed by the Fellowship. Arshad successfully graduated 10th grade from a Teach For India classroom, and is now studying in a top-tier college while interning with Lido Learning. Subhankar went onto start his own organization after his Fellowship. He now trains teachers in low-income private schools. In Arshad’s words, “Shubhankar Bhaiya taught me what it means to be a good human being, in class, on the field and in life. That is who I want to be.”
Stories of Impact
Creating spaces for mental health
The Mind Room was created by Anju Joseph, Shraddha Ghadi, Sajida Munaf, Sumona Shetty, Dipti Balwani and Romana Shaikh with the support of Elgiva Kharsati and Pooja Pawar from the Mumbai Alumni Impact team. They organise workshops and hold spaces to foster sustained mental health support for members of our community.
The Journey
145 Fellows
7500 Students
854 Alumni
10 Year Partnership with low-income private schools
Completed 10 years of working with low-income private schools in Pune while providing excellent education to Students across grades
First Board Results
Our first batch of Grade 10 Students cleared the SSC exams with 98% Students passing.
Access to Secondary Education
Access to English-medium secondary classrooms, a huge issue for Pune’s kids, addressed through the PPP model partnerships with Aakanksha Foundation and iTeach Schools.
Community Engagement
Series of Community Centres started across clusters to address the academic gap, programs for parents and extra-curricular activities.
Pune’s first cohort
With 32 Fellows & 1100 Students
The Fellowship begins
in Mumbai & Pune 87 Fellows
What Enabled Change
A growing network of Alumni in the region
81% of the Alumni in the region continue to work in the education sector. From teacher training to child safety, technology to school leadership, our Alumni in the region continue to impact more than 1 million Students, 40,000 teachers and 800 government officials. Many Alumni led organizations have also created jobs for our graduating cohorts across various projects and roles.
Culture of Innovation and Problem Solving
Over the years, the Pune team has fostered a culture of problem solving and innovation amongst the Fellows. The city has seen legacy projects run completely by Fellows - like Show Us The Talent (Shoutt) and Model United Nations (Teach For India MUN) which continue to grow in size and impact. A large number of BTCPs have established themselves as long-standing projects and some, eventually organisations, like Life Lab, Pijam , TAP providing crucial value added services to our schools.
Strong Network of Advocates
Since 2014 the Pune Advisory Board has, through their relationships and influence, enabled us to form long lasting financial partnerships in the city, in addition to guiding our strategic work. The Pune Alumni Chapter, which comprises Alumni across organizations, helps create spaces that enable collaboration within the Alumni community, thereby catalysing the work in the region.
Stories of Impact
Changing system level policies
A powerful network of schools: iTeach, Akanksha and Avsara Schools have allowed for our Students to access excellent education and fill a major gap in the city. 13 of these Pune schools are led by Teach For India Alumni and have played a pivotal role in steering key changes in system level policies in the state of Maharashtra.
Stories of Impact
Enabling student leadership
Over the last few years, through multiple efforts of developing student leadership in Pune, we have been able to develop a partnership between students and educators by creating safe spaces and empowering them towards a path of extended opportunities like being a KER Revolutionary, taking part in 'Maya' and 'The Greatest Show on Earth'.
Stories of Impact
Setting an example
In the region, InnovatED and TFIx have enabled Alumni led organizations - Pune Children’s Zone, The Apprentice Project and PiJam Foundation to impact over 3000 children and over 100 families.